Sleep problems

Sleep problems are common among students, you are not alone. Fortunately, there is good help available. Here you will find useful tools and tips.

  1. 1

    Short-term sleep difficulties are common and harmless. Half of us will experience a period of sleep problems lasting up to 3 months during our lifetime.

    A good place to start is this video about short-term sleep difficulties.

  2. 2

    Persistent sleep difficulties? If you have been struggling with sleep for more than 3 months, this program is for you.

    Video course with accompanying worksheets that can help you improve your sleep.

Doctor's sleep advice

Are you struggling with sleep during the exam period? (In Norwegian)

Watch the video

Student Aleksander shares his best sleep tips

Why do so many students have sleep problems, and how can you avoid becoming one of them?

See the advice

Changing your sleep schedule

Have you reversed your sleep cycle and struggling to reset it?

Reverse your sleep schedule

Do you think too much when you're trying to sleep?

The psychologist has advice on how to manage worrisome thoughts.

See the psychologist's advice


Do you want advice about your specific situation? Ask anonymously and receive answers from SiO's psychologists, doctors, and counselors. The website is in norwegian, but you can write and get an answer in english.

Ask anonymously

Game your way to better sleep

The Lur app is designed for students and is completely free. Here, you learn about sleep while playing. (In Norwegian)

Download app
Install this webapp on your iPhone: tap and then Add to home-screen