About SiO
SiO is the welfare organisation for students at 27 educational institutions in Oslo. If you are a student at one of these institutions and have paid the semester fee, you are welcome to use our services.

Semester fee
Students at higher eduaction at SiO member institutions pays a semester fee to SiO each semester. The semester fee for SiO is NOK 690 and helps to fund our services. The funding allows us to provide student services, and is used to finance the Welfare Council, health services, counselling, student associations, events and other social activities.
Not all students are members of SiO but your university will inform you about this. The educational institution is responsible for collecting and registering of the semester fee. If you have questions about payment, deadlines, confirmation that you are registered as a student etc. you must contact your place of study.
Some institutions charge their students with an extra NOK 40 to support the Students and Academics International Assistance Fund.
Our environmental plan defines our overall objectives and forms the basis on how our environmental work and topics should be managed and prioritised.We commit ourselves to identifying opportunities for environmentally friendly operations, within our financial framework and set objectives. We also require our suppliers and contacts to take a responsible approach towards environmental issues and conduct their business in an ethical manner.


All of our income benefits the students. Our goal is not to have a financial surplus, but to give students the best possible offer.The semester fee helps to fund important services for our students. We also apply for grants from the government in order to build affordable student housing. Institutions are supporting us with premises that are rent-free. For more details and numbers, you can read more about our organisation here.

We publish information such as meeting plans, agendas and minutes from the executive board's meetings, in addition to information from the executive board and various sub-boards. We also give access to our correspondence with weekly overviews of all incoming and outgoing mail from the previous week.
Certain documents are shielded from view, and any sensitive information is removed.Read our policy for transparency and accessibility here.

The students constitute the majority in our Executive Board, which is SiO's highest decision-making authority. The Executive Board decides what kind of services we will have.The Welfare Council chooses the Student representatives on the board. The Executive Board also consists of members chosen by the SiO institutions and employees.Read more about our organisation.