Teater , Impro Teater

Aree and a Friend - Free Improv Show

Impro Neuf

Pris: Free/Gratis kr

Fre. 31. januar - fre. 31. januar

Chateau Neuf - Det Norske Studentersamfund

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Om eventet

Aree & a Friend A brand new series at Impro Neuf. Aree invites you to be his friend to play a chill-out improv duo scene at Chateau Neuf’s Galleriet. If you’ve never done a long scene before - or have never even done improv at all - you’re in for a treat! Improv duos are beautiful and the most pure improv form of all. I will play 20-30 minute scene with different partners who want to come onto the stage until 1 hour is up. 3 x 20-MINUTE DUO PURE IMPROV FREE ENTRY Be Aree’s friend!

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