Welcome/Infomeeting w/ SFPV (there will be food:)

Welcome and infomeeting w/SFPV

Studentenes Forening for Psykedelisk Vitenskap

Tor. 30. januar - tor. 30. januar

Sophus Bugges Hus

Åpent for alle

Om eventet

All students are warmly invited to this semester's welcome and info meeting 🍄 Come and meet the Oslo student psychedelic science community! 🧙🏼‍♂️ While this is a great social opportunity to meet like-minded people, it is also a chance to get involved in the association. We are looking for new board members, so if the field of psychedelic science intrigues you, we encourage you to attend and explore the possibility of becoming a part of our association. Place and time: The meeting will be held on Thursday the 30th of January in Auditorium 3 at Sophus Bugges hus. Agenda: - Welcoming and introduction - Open floor for suggestions and thoughts - Socializing and networking What to Expect: An open and friendly environment where all voices are welcome. Opportunity to learn more about the organization and psychedelic science in general. A chance to shape the future direction of the organization, and to become part of the Norwegian psychedelic science community. We look forward to meeting you all! -SFPV board

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