Open Rehearsal
Kling Kokos
Ons. 19. februar
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📆 19.02.25 kl. 17:30 💁♂️ Gratis, ingen aldersgrense. 📍 Forsamlingssalen, Forskningsveien 3A Welcome to open rehearsal! Do you love singing, eating cake and meeting other amazing songbirds every week? Would you want to sing at choir concerts, learn new and exciting songs, attend workshops – and last but not least, join social events such as karaoke, cabin-trips, parties and our weekly "øvingspils" after-rehearsal? Then you should definitely join our open rehearsals! We are looking for more wonderful members to join our choir! Where? Forsamlingssalen at the Psychology Institute at the University of Oslo: Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A. Bring your voice (and a friend if you want), and join us for an evening with lots of singing and fun! Please let us know if you will be there through this link: (but you can also show up spontaneously) http://forms/d/1B-BZ1Yez8EoYBlptG4LuMm-UlEtCTjXjh3t-IAxXJIk/viewform?edit_requested=true We are excited to meet you!