Did you know that there are over 450 student associations in Oslo? We work for a better student life in Oslo and hold courses, plan events and give advice when you have questions, whether big or small.

Join a course
SiO Associations has a number of free courses for you who are active in an association.Our courses are held in Norwegian, but we can give you counseling in english for most of the subjects.Our courses can make the everyday operation of the association a little easier. They will give you practical training and good advice, whether you are interested in management courses, marketing or finance.

Do you want to start a new association?
If you do not find an association that suits you, you can start one yourself. Feel free to get in touch and we will help you get started.

Join an association
Did you know that there are over 400 associations in Oslo, all of them run by students?Engaging in an association can make your study time even better than you had anticipated, and can give you more friends, a larger network and invaluable experience you can take with you further into life.
Book an advisor
There is more than 400 studentassociations in Oslo. Our job is to help you make it as easy as possible to run them.Book us for a session and we will help you as best we can with anything regarding your association.

You'll find SiO Associations here

SiO Foreninger has an office in Kristian Ottosens House on campus Blindern.
We are open from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.